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Welcome to Spring Back

Spring Back is a weekly session using drama to build resilience, improve wellbeing and manage difficult situations.

Using role play, forum theatre, mindfulness and accessible discussions, participants build confidence with everyday challenges. Sessions focus on themes like health, travel, access support, communication and goal-setting.

Spring Back participants also have the opportunity to take part in community meet-ups each term so they can try out their new skills in the ‘real world’.

Spring Back can open up pathways to new activities, including our other Take Part programmes.

New participants welcome

We are looking for new participants to join us for the spring term!

If you are interested, read all the information below.

Who is it for?

Learning disabled and autistic adults who are struggling with social isolation or who need support to build resilience. Participants don’t need to have any drama experience, but an interest in drama is helpful! Spring Back participants tend to join for a maximum of a year before using their newfound confidence to move on to other activities.


Thursdays 10.30am – 12pm.

Please get in touch for term dates.

How do I book a session?

Contact Sophie by:

Phone 07805 490878

or Email

Meet the facilitators

Adam Smith

Associate Director of Take Part

After completing Access All Areas’ Transforming Leadership programme in 2021-2022, Adam joined Access All Areas as an Associate Director of Take Part.

He co-leads on the Departure Lounge and Spring Back programme. He has transformed the way we evaluate those programmes in a more accessible way. He also led on creating our Spring Back spin-off at Battersea Art Centre.

He co-leads on our consultancy work around accessible facilitation.

Adam is also an Associate Artist of Access All Areas. To learn more on his artistic career, read Adam’s Artist Profile.

Hayley Hill

Creative support/Workshop facilitator

Hayley Hill is a director, facilitator, performer, creative support, physical practitioner, and yoga teacher. Her practice lies within the realm of movement direction, game, interactivity, audience participation, ensemble and rhythm, often using the body as the preeminent tool.

Since graduating from European Theatre Arts at Rose Bruford College in 2011, she has worked professionally within the contemporary arts scene.

Hayley is a huge advocate for disability arts with a determination for inclusivity. Working as Associate Director, Creative Support and Facilitator at Access All Areas, projects include: MADHOUSE re:exit; Unreal City; The Interrogation, as well as leading workshops and directing performances on Departure Lounge, Black Cab and on the Performance Making Diploma at The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.

Hayley also acts as a Creative Support, logistically and creatively supporting learning disabled and autistic actors across professional projects on stage and screen.

In addition to her work with AAA she is a Lead Performer and Associate Director of ZU-UK projects include: Hotel Medea; Humble Market; Within Touching Distance; Binaural Dinner Date and Radio Ghost.

She has also acted as Live Performance Manager/Director of BOOMTOWN Fair.

Hayley has also acted as Movement Director for a number of music videos and adverts. Hayley is based in London but has worked internationally across the UK, Russia, Mexico, Brazil and China.
