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Welcome to Spinning Wheel

Spinning Wheel is a movement and music project for participants with complex needs (sometimes called Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities). Through movement, sound and intensive interaction, weekly sessions encourage the development of participants’ self-awareness, social interaction, motor skills and creative expression within a sensory environment.

Sessions take place in care homes, colleges and supported living.

Please contact for more information.

More Information

Who is it for?

Adults with complex needs (sometimes called Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities or PMLD).

Spinning Wheel sessions are suitable for groups of 5-12 participants at a time.


Sessions can be booked at a time that suits you. Each session lasts 2 hours.

Where does it take place?

Spinning Wheel sessions can take place in care homes, colleges and supported living. All our  facilitators need is a space to move around in (like a communal lounge) and access to power. We’ll provide props, instruments and support for staff.

How much does it cost?

A term of Spinning Wheel includes 10 weekly sessions, props, instruments, and information and support for staff. Participants usually pay for Spinning Wheel through personal budgets. Contact us to discuss costs and funding options.

How do I book a session?

Contact Sophie by:

Phone 07805 490878


Over the past year, Spinning Wheel has been a highlight of my week… My skills and work has progressed significantly.
Former Spinning Wheel volunteer

Meet the facilitators

Antonio Soto

Workshop Facilitator

Antonio is a dedicated sound therapist with extensive experience working with individuals facing profound physical and learning disabilities. His work as a music facilitator for organisations such as Access All Areas and the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children has given him invaluable experience in supporting those dealing with a range of mental and physical health challenges.

Using sound and vibration as powerful tools, he combines traditional techniques with his background as a professional musician, sound engineer, and music producer to craft personalised therapeutic sound journeys. His sessions incorporate a wide array of music instruments and multi sensory elements.

Xan Dye

Workshop Facilitator

Xan Dye is an independent artist whose practice emerged from a time in their life when they were learning about their neurodivergence and beginning to explore what a movement practice could offer in relation to this.

Challenging fixed and rigid binaries, Xan explores how they embody trans non-binary, neurodivergent, queer ways of being and thinking, working with others to create radical spaces for sensing and sensitive ways of being in our bodies and in community. Xan’s practice is particularly interested in what happens when we frame stimming as dancing and what we can learn from rhythmic, repetitive self regulatory movement patterns.

Xan is an experienced facilitator with expertise in inclusive practice, working for organisations including Candoco Dance Company, Access all Areas and Entelechy Arts. Xan’s work is supported by Arts Council England and platformed at venues including the Place and Independent Dance.