1:1 Access Support
Our toolkit of person-centred creative support techniques is based on years of experience working with disabled and neurodivergent creatives, consulting on shows such as EastEnders, Holby City and Hollyoaks, and is backed up by thorough academic research.
Our creative support methodologies help to remove access obstacles for neurodivergent talent throughout the filming process.
For learning disabled and autistic actors, 1:1 Creative Support can include:
- Creating bespoke work plans that meet access needs
- Advocating on behalf of the talent for access needs during production processes
- Specialised acting coaching
- Supporting techniques for line learning and focus during auditions, rehearsals, and shooting days
- Pastoral support during auditions, rehearsals, on-set, and press interviews
- General logistical and access support.
Get in touch to find out more: hello@accessallareasproductions.org
“I Used to be Famous” with Netflix
Recently, we worked with neurodivergent actor Leo Long during the filming of Netflix’s “I Used To Be Famous”. We trained the team in accessible practice, supported Leo’s access needs, and used 1:1 acting coaching throughout the process to help him realise his best performance.
Watch Leo talk about his experience on “I Used to be Famous” in the video below.