Accessible communication for Medical staff workshop – Access All Areas

Accessible communication for Medical staff workshop

Alongside bespoke consultancy services, Access All Areas offers a wide-ranging programme of training in learning disabilities and autism for arts and cultural organisations.

All sessions are co-facilitated by an accredited trainer with learning disabilities and / or autism. All sessions include role play, scenario-based working and resource packs.

We also offer ongoing out-of-house services to organisations, creating Visual Guides, Easy Read documents and designing and delivering best practice Relaxed Performances.

Q & A

Aims of this workshop

To develop best practice understanding of how to communicate effectively with learning disabled and autistic patients.

Who is it for?

NHS staff, Clinical Commissioning Groups and health boards, Advocacy groups.

Key points covered in the day

We have a broad range of interactive scenarios that cover the following topics; Health passports, Diagnostic overshadowing, Implicit attitudes, Sensory differences, Communication, Over medication, Reasonable adjustments and Change and routine.

Focus on positive and effective communication and behaviour for medical staff to learning disabled and autistic patients.

Interact and find solutions to issues that affect learning disabled and autistic patients.

Create action plans to take the learning and implement in your health organisation

What participants will gain skills, knowledge and confidence in

Speaking with and interacting with a broad range of learning disabled and autistic patients

Understanding the positive implications of effective communication and highlighting previous traumatic experiences in healthcare settings

Reflect on their own practice and implement a positive accessible culture in their organisations.

Book your place

Or to find out more please get in touch.

Phone 0207 613 6445

Workshops are available as full day, half day or flexible packages.

Access All Areas are wrote and directed films with Mencap and the National Autistic Society for the new pilot training programme for all NHS staff as part of the Oliver McGowan mandatory training.

In 2018, we created a bespoke performance, ‘Listen up Doc’ for the launch of the NHS ‘Ask, Listen, Do’ programme at the Houses of Parliament.

The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training